Tuesday, June 3, 2008


A quick google search turned up that pica stands for: 1. The Portland Institute of Contemporary Art, 2. the Podiatry Insurance Company of America, and 3. the Printing Industry of the Carolinas. However, the Pica that I am endlessly fascinated with is the "persistent eating of nonnutritive substances." According to emedicine, people with pica eat substances, "including, but not limited to, clay, dirt, sand, stones, pebbles, hair, feces, lead, laundry starch, vinyl gloves, plastic, pencil erasers, ice, fingernails, paper, paint chips, coal, chalk, wood, plaster, light bulbs, needles, string, cigarette butts, wire, and burnt matches." Um, ew. Though pica has always held a morbid fascination for me, this post is inspired by a patient today (not mine, hipaa) who was found by the nurse eating baby powder, and subsequently found to have an earring in her colon on xray. And I had a patient a couple weeks ago who admitted to eating cigarette butts (seriously), but flat out denied eating coins (her exact words: "I save money! I don't eat it!"), though clearly there was a quarter in her cecum on xray. Crazy. Factoids about pica: eating ice chips can be a sign of iron deficiency; and eating clay or dirt is acceptable and a learned behavior in some cultures. Not helping Worcester's infant mortality problem: pregnant Ghanaian women eat clay (though I've heard that this problem gets more press than it's really worth in terms of actual harm to infants). Anyhoo, I got off track. Pica is weirdly cool. Except for the people that eat, you know, razorblades and whatnot.

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