Friday, September 19, 2008

Thank god, only 115 days left

(or, however many...see widget below) (I tried to find one that fit in a more streamlined way into the layout of this blog, but I couldn't.'s big and bulky but it's ok, it does its job.)

So I was having dinner with an old friend the other night, who's very level-headed (well, like most of my friends...but her in particular) (Caroline I'm talking to you), and we were discussing the inane stupidity of the current administration. And how mad they make us. Thinking about George Bush is actually one of the only things on earth that makes me mad. Like, heart-rate-up mad. So rather than sit here with steam coming out of my ears, I'm gonna channel the anger into enjoying some lovely music, courtesy of everyone's favorite folk singer, Antje Duvekot. It's a new song called Christian Boys. And it's the new Song of the Week! (See the little mp3 player to the right.) Lyrics below:
How does a poor man on a bench become a criminal
While the rich man on the hill hails to the thieves?
How does revenge equate to pride until the flag becomes a gun
How will the sun go down after the war is won?
How come the wise man is so quiet
While the killer speaks so loud?
He is hollering from out of my TV
And he is claiming that he knows me
He is taking little bows
But he is drinking from the silver palms of greed

And Mama, aren't you proud
Oh, he plays with such big toys
And he thinks it's all a game
Your little virtuous Christian boys

So you're playing by the rules
But every time it is your turn
He moves the net a little higher up
And you think it must be fair
'Cause that is what you've learned
But he scores every time
And you score none

And Mama, aren't you proud
Oh, he plays with such big toys
And he thinks it's all a game
Your little virtuous Christian boys

Oh but this is an impressionist painting
And we are standing way too close
We are sitting in the circus tent
Just waiting for the show
While the cannibal elite
Eats from their sacrificial plate
And they are lying through their teeth
Making a mockery of faith
And your dollar lets you buy
Yet another empty cup
And that is how they fund their lies
And they hope we don't wake up
And they are feeding us this fear
They are feeding us the news
And they know we're biting off
Less than we could chew

And Mama, aren't you proud
Oh, he plays with such big toys
And he thinks it's all a game
Your little virtuous Christian boys

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